Manningtree Earth Festival

Manningtree Earth Festival, taking place in Manningtree Town Centre on 26th June 2022, featuring bands, speakers and stallholders will be the first Earth Festival to be held in the UK’s smallest town and is run entirely by a group of volunteers. Come along to learn more about climate change and climate action in an interactive and enjoyable way, with a chance to meet some of the Essex Climate Action Commission's Commissioners too.
Sponsored by Manningtree District Business Chamber, Essex County Council and Tendring District Council, it will be a FREE festival for local people to entertain, inspire, educate, and empower.
Volunteers from the Manningtree District Business Chamber, PACE Manningtree, Plastic Free Manningtree Mistley and Lawford, the Town and Parish Councils and The Manningtree Streetkeepers group have put together a fully inclusive festival with something for people of all ages. There will be live music, a full programme of speakers and plenty of food and drink. Stallholders will include local eco-businesses, relevant charities and individuals as well as activities and workshops to interest and engage people at all stages of their journey towards caring for the Earth.
Volunteer, Bonny Williams, who is also a Founder member of PACE (Practical Actions for Climate and the Environment) says, “We are celebrating and showcasing the positive action that local people are taking, in and around our town. Our aim is to build a community of well informed and like-minded people.”
Steve Tattam, owner of Manningtree shop, Winyl, is the person who first came up with the idea of the Manningtree Earth Festival. He is no stranger to organising music events and is fully committed to the idea of improving sustainability across the board. “Through holding a summer festival in the town centre to which local people can walk, cycle or take public transport, we hope to create a low carbon experience which informs everyone about simple practical changes that they can make, so together we can help look after our local environment and the planet.”
The line-up on the main stage at the festival will include talented local musicians as well as expert speakers, inlduing Commissioners from the Essex Climate Action Commission, on topics as diverse as “Renewable energy and aiming for net zero” (Professor Stefaan Simons), “Our coast and sea level rise” (Professor Graham Underwood), “Citizenship - together we can fix this” (Jon Alexander), “Health of our rivers” (Professor Nic Bury), “Restoring local nature in our community” (Dr. Simon Lyster) and many practical ideas and suggestions that everyone can act upon in their daily lives (Jill Bruce, and John Hall).
Between speakers the fabulous line-up of local musicians will perform sets guaranteed to keep listeners enthralled (and dancing!). Musicians include Asa Brotherton, Elly Tree, Mel and Marcel Duo, Fraser Morgan and Tendring Voices Choir.
John Hall MBE, retired CEO of Essex Wildlife Trust, and Chair of PACE said, “We are delighted to receive support from Manningtree District Business Chamber, Essex County Council, and Tendring District Council which, along with the superb involvement of local businesses, organisations and a tremendous team of volunteers, has enabled us to put on this first-class Festival. Manningtree is becoming widely known as a beacon of hope for individuals and communities seeking to tackle climate issues and biodiversity loss.”
Such is the interest, the Earth Festival organisers are already taking bookings for next year and it looks set to be a fabulous event for everyone involved.
As stallholders, speakers, activities and workshops are confirmed, they will be listed on the Festival's website.