Bike Week - Let's Pedal Our Way to Climate Action
Mon, 06/06/2022 - 15:21

Wondering what to do during Bike Week 2022? Take a look at Essex County Council’s Climate Action Advice Pack for Essex residents!
Inspired by RideLondon-Essex and the Women's Tour? Want to learn more about how you can get out on the bike more as part of living a more environmentally friendly and healthy lifestyle? Essex County Council and the Essex Climate Action Commission have partnered to launch an exclusive advice pack to help you get started.
The Essex Climate Action Pack is full of practical tips, guidance and simple swaps we can all take to lower our carbon footprint. The online booklet makes for straightforward reading, with suggestions inside to help everyone in Essex when it comes to acting on climate change – and swapping the car for a bike is high on the agenda.
The pack is an important step forward from the Commission’s recommendations on how best Essex can champion practical and beneficial community engagement on climate change, particularly for sustainable and active transport.
Since it was established at the end of 2019, the Commission has been meeting frequently to discuss the best action that the county of Essex should take to tackle climate change. It has focused on a range of themes, including Transport, which forms one of the main chapters of the Advice Pack.
With 60% of the 800,000 cars in Essex making car journeys of under 5 miles on average, it’s increasingly important to consider replacing these short journeys with cycling or walking The RideLondon-Essex cycling event which took place from May 27-29 was a fantastic source of inspiration for Bike Week, so if you didn’t start cycling then, now is the time to saddle up and get pedalling!
Download your copy of the advice pack here and share with anyone that you think might need it too! What Can I Do? | Essex Climate Commission