New tree planting dates continue climate change combatting work of Essex Forest Initiative

Fri, 18/11/2022 - 15:57

Tree plantings will be taking place across Essex over the winter months, with volunteers encouraged to sign up.

The Essex Forest Initiative, which is backed by Essex County Council, has announced new tree planting dates for this winter. 

Events will be taking place from November through to late January 2023.

In October 2019, Essex County Council (ECC) committed to planting £1 million worth of trees over the following five years. This is the equivalent of 375,000 trees.

So far, over 130,000 trees have been planted as part of the scheme.

The purpose of the initiative is to combat climate change, improve air quality and encourage biodiversity.

This year’s plantings will start in Colchester at Prettygate Schools on Monday 21st November, where 1,725 trees will be planted over three days.

There are further planting days planned throughout the winter in Chelmsford, Rochford, Colchester, Castle Point, Maldon and Basildon.

Residents can find out more information about these planting dates and sign up to volunteer through the volunteer form here:

Through the initiative, ECC supports landowners with the funding, planning, planting and maintenance of trees in a range of settings.

Partners in the scheme include the Woodland Trust, Forestry Commission, Thames Chase Community Forest and The Big Green Internet.

Cllr Peter Schwier, ECC’s Climate Czar, said: “The work of the Essex Forest Initiative is crucial in the fight against climate change.

“The more new trees we are able to plant, the more carbon we can absorb from the atmosphere.

“Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions is our first defence against climate change, but trees play a vital role in mitigating the impact of these emissions.

“By volunteering to plant these trees, Essex residents are doing their bit to help their local environment and the planet.”