White Dragon Activity Centre hits the bullseye with Green Skills training
Tue, 20/09/2022 - 16:01

Based in beautiful woodland in Bures, North Essex, White Dragon Activity Centre offers fantastic workshops in archery, axe throwing and bushcraft training. The local business has been praised for equipping future generations with green skills through its sustainable activities.
Mark Bloom, owner of White Dragon Activity Centre was keen to work with the existing natural environment that he had on-site in the woodland. To do this, Mark and his team began re-pollarding some of the willow trees and then coppicing in other areas. In managing the woodland in this respectful way, this will hopefully in the years to come, encourage an increase in biodiversity and habitat creation for local wildlife.
However, this is only a small amount of White Dragon Activity Centre’s efforts to help their local areas to thrive. As well as using the woodland surrounding his business, Mark also hired two apprentices who he is making sure have the resources to properly care for their environment by teaching them invaluable Green Skills.
Essex County Council’s Climate Czar Peter Schwier visited White Dragon Activity Centre for a fun-filled archery session and to see how the centre’s apprentices were getting on. He had this to say: “Seeing these apprenticeships instilling green skills is testament to the power Essex businesses have to make our county more sustainable and have a cleaner future for generations to come.”
If you’re an Essex business owner looking to begin your own journey to becoming more environmentally friendly and to net zero, download The Climate Action Business Advice Pack here.